A Love Story: Violet and Lawrence

Violet and Lawrence have been married for 68 years. After a lifetime of hard work, travelling through early retirement and most recently relaxing in retirement living together, they are now separated.  Lawrence’s dementia progressed and he began wandering at night. He could no longer be safely cared for in retirement, and he moved to long term care.



Violet had been very physically healthy and she had been caring for Lawrence for years within the retirement home where, together with staff, she could handle his needs. But once he began exit seeking and leaving in the night, even Violet had to admit she couldn’t manage his needs safely. 


It ripped her heart out to have him move to another location across town.


Now, Violet attempts to visit most days.  She wasn’t a confident driver, to begin with, but she is attempting to drive across town every day and stay with Lawrence throughout the afternoon and dinner.


She fears that he won’t eat unless she is at his side, so she remains for both lunch and dinner. She worries about how she will visit every day when the winter weather begins. She never drove in the winter and at 89, she isn’t keen to start winter driving.


You can see the toll it is taking on Violet. She appears to be withering before your eyes. She has lost weight and she looks exhausted. She suddenly strikes you as rather frail. She is probably stretching herself too thin, but she wants someone to be with Lawrence through lunch and dinner.


Violet needs Warm Embrace to provide a caregiver for Lawrence.  A Warm Embrace caregiver could visit Lawrence through lunch and dinner and keep him engaged in activities throughout the afternoon.  Of course, we can’t replace Violet’s visits, but we can supplement her visits.


We can provide a regular schedule so that Violet does not feel obliged to visit every day. She can take some much-needed time to relax and rejuvenate herself.


Warm Embrace caregivers can visit Lawrence on set days of the week, and on those days, Violet can remain at the retirement residence, eating her meals in the dining room with her friends.


She can rejoin the social activities and events that she participated in for all those years and not become disconnected from her peer group. But she can do so with the reassurance that Lawrence is not alone. He is with a dedicated caregiver who will ensure that he has the best afternoon possible.


By recommending additional support for Lawrence, you may actually be saving Violet’s health. She needs the support—possibly more than Lawrence does—and your recommendation to alleviate her stress could make the difference for Violet.


We’d be happy to improve the quality of life for each of them by providing a dedicated caregiver when they need it most. Reach out to us today!

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Heart and Stroke Awareness Month

February is all about hearts!

Did you know that every seven minutes, someone in Canada dies from heart disease or stroke? This staggering statistic highlights the critical importance of heart health.


Heart disease isn't just one condition; it's a group of conditions that collectively impact the heart's function. Common heart conditions include coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, angina, heart attack, and heart failure.



These conditions can severely affect daily life, making simple tasks like cooking, vacuuming, or showering monumental challenges. Often, homecare services become essential due to increased weakness and difficulty breathing.


A stroke, on the other hand, is a sudden loss of brain function caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain or a rupture of blood vessels within the brain. Most strokes result from blood clots that block blood flow to the brain, often due to plaque buildup in the arteries. These clots can form in the arteries leading to the brain or elsewhere in the body and travel to the brain.


Strokes don't just affect the elderly. Shockingly, 25% of all strokes occur in people under the age of 65. The incidence of stroke is rising among those aged 19-55, affecting both men and women.


While some risk factors for heart disease and stroke—such as age, gender, family history, or ethnic background—are beyond our control, many can be managed. Adopting healthy lifestyle choices early on significantly improves the chances of preventing heart disease or stroke. There are proactive steps you can take to protect your heart. Learn more about how you can safeguard your heart health today!

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