8 Tips to Stay Cool this Summer!

We are all relieved when the snow finally melts, and the mucky spring weather turns into the balmy days of summer. But do you know how to stay cool and healthy in the summer heat?


Many people are aware of the dangers of too much exposure to the sun’s UV rays, which can cause sunburns. Wearing sunscreen is always advised! But there are other concerns about heat, even if you avoid direct sunshine.


Heat exhaustion can occur from prolonged exposure to high temperatures and insufficient fluid intake. It can range from heat cramps to a severe form of heat stroke. Symptoms may include excessive sweating, cool, pale, and clammy skin, weakness, nausea, headache, dizziness, and elevated body temperature. If someone is exhibiting these symptoms, they need to be moved to a cooler place, have their clothing loosened or removed, and they need to drink plenty of cool liquids.



8 Tips to keep seniors (or anyone else!) safe in the summer heat:


1. Keep well hydrated! Drink eight or more glasses of water daily. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink! Avoid caffeinated, alcoholic and sugary beverages, as they may dehydrate rather than hydrate.


2. Dress Appropriately! Wear loose-fitting and light-weight clothing.


3. Air Conditioning is your best friend! Remain indoors in the extreme heat and utilize air conditioning. If you do not have air conditioning in your home, go to a public place such as a library or shopping mall. Even a few hours of relief from the heat can prevent heat stroke.


4. Electric fans aren’t always the best. Keep the house as cool as possible by keeping shades closed during the hottest part of the day. An electric fan may feel comfortable, but it does not prevent heat-related illness if temperatures soar into the mid-30’s Celsius.


5. Cool down! Take a cool bath, shower, or sponge bath to lower your body temperature. Don’t have the time? Then wet washcloths or towels with cool water and put them on your wrists, ankles, armpits, and neck.


6. Enjoy outdoor activities in the early morning or the evening when the heat is not as severe. Don’t forget to use the broad-spectrum sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher, and if it’s sunny wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses.


7. Stayed Shaded when you are outside. Even in the early mornings and evenings, stick to the shade so you aren’t as exposed to the sun’s rays.


8.Know the signs of heat exhaustion so that you can get immediate assistance. Some symptoms to watch for are throbbing headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, hot dry skin with no sweat, muscles weakness, cramps and trouble breathing,


Enjoy a safe and healthy summer!
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April is Parkinson's Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about Parkinson's disease and show support for people living with the condition, their families, and caregivers.


What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder that affects the movement of the body. While Parkinson's disease primarily affects movement, it can also lead to cognitive changes and even dementia in some cases. The exact mechanism by which Parkinson's disease causes dementia is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to the spread of Lewy bodies in the brain.



What are Lewy Bodies?

Lewy bodies are abnormal protein deposits that accumulate in the brain cells of people with Parkinson's disease. They are also found in the brains of people with other types of dementia, including dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Alzheimer's disease (AD).


The spread of Lewy bodies in the brain can lead to damage in multiple areas, including the areas responsible for memory, attention, and language. This can result in cognitive changes such as memory loss, difficulty with planning and organizing, and changes in mood and behavior.


How WE support people living with Parkinson’s

It is important for people with Parkinson's disease to monitor their cognitive function and work closely with their healthcare team to manage their symptoms and prevent or delay the onset of dementia.



Regular exercise can help improve mobility, balance, and flexibility in people with Parkinson's disease. It can also improve mood and overall wellbeing! It’s easy to regularly exercise when there’s an encouraging person and that’s what Warm Embrace caregivers do. Learn more about our services.

Healthy diet

A balanced and healthy diet can help manage Parkinson's disease symptoms. Meal prepping and cooking are exhausting tasks and after a long week, it’s nice to have an extra set of hands to help. We have incredible caregivers at Warm Embrace who will coordinate meals for the week.

Respite care

Caring for a loved one is exhausting and can lead to burn out. Respite is an important part of self-care! Prevent burn out by contacting Warm Embrace to learn more about our Respite Care services.  


In honour of Parkinson’s Disease Awareness month, take the time to learn more about Parkinson’s and raise awareness online to your family and friends. If you or know of someone who has Parkinson’s and need support, you are not alone! At Warm Embrace our mission is to empower the elderly to experience fulfillment through dignified care. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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