What's Seniors' Month?

June is Seniors’ month, and it’s the perfect time to recognize and appreciate seniors! Seniors prove that ageing doesn’t need to prevent anyone from leading fulfilling lives, instead they outline that ageing enhances life experiences.


Every day seniors are breaking the mould by leading fulfilling lives! So, let’s put to rest those negative stereotypes when it comes to ageing. Instead, we should all celebrate and appreciate the contributions that seniors are making in our communities.


Seniors are an important part of our community because they contribute their wisdom, friendship and experiences. As a community, it is our responsibility to ensure that we create an environment where all citizens are valued and respected throughout the life process.                  


How do we create that environment?


The key to creating this environment is prioritizing intergenerational opportunities, between the young and the old. When we create intergenerational opportunities, we are creating this space where seniors have the ability to pass along their wisdom and advice to generations. This environment then breaks down barriers between generations and puts to rest negative stereotypes that surround ageing. When those barriers are removed, open and honest conversations are shared between different generations. When founded upon mutual respect, intergenerational learning can be deeply impactful for everyone involved!


Why is celebrating our Seniors so important?


When we celebrate our seniors, we are affirming that their contributions are ever so important to the fabric of our communities. Without our seniors’ accomplishments, our communities would not be what they are today!   


This June, in honour of Seniors’ month, make an effort to spend time with someone who is from a different generation than you—or maybe even two or three generations! Pause, and truly listen, and learn from each other and you will reap the rewards of intergenerational sharing.


Here at Warm Embrace Elder Care, we want to thank all of the wonderful seniors that we see on a daily basis. We are continually learning from you and are enlightened by your viewpoints. It is an honour to serve you!

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