Our Mission During COVID-19

What a turbulent week it has been!  Undoubtedly, you’ve been following the news more than usual as things have been changing by the day, sometimes by the hour. It is easy to get swept up in the wave of uncertainty. Here at Warm Embrace, we are remaining grounded by our mission of:


Empowering the elderly

To experience fulfillment daily

Through dignified care


Our clients need us just as much today as they did last week, last month, and last year. In some ways, they probably need us even more than before!  We remain committed to doing more than just meeting basic needs. We aim to go above and beyond each day to help our clients have the best day possible.


Right now, meeting basic needs includes practical measures such as doing the grocery shopping so that elderly clients and their loved ones are not out in stores. It also means sanitizing the home more thoroughly and frequently than usual. It means cooking homemade meals to ensure quality nutrition.  It means serving clients whose family members may be in self-isolation and are unable to visit.


Going above and beyond to ensure our clients experience fulfillment each day means meeting clients’ social and emotional needs.  For those with dementia who may not understand all that is happening, we are maintaining a routine.  People with advanced dementia may have a difficult time following the facts of a news story, but they are very aware of the emotions conveyed by the coverage. They can feel the anxiety and stress of those around them without understanding the source of anxiety. For our clients, we are a reassuring presence, the calm in the storm.  Instead of focusing on what’s happening out in the world, we remain present, in the moment, with the person at hand to help them feel at ease.


We’re here for those who continue to need support caring for loved ones. Family members who live at a distance are now unable to travel; we will provide the help needed for local elderly relatives. For those who typically attend adult day programs, we can provide one-on-one support instead of the usual group setting.


As always, we prioritize the health and wellness of our clients and our caregivers. We continue to monitor and follow the recommended guidelines of the CDC and public health. We have equipped caregivers with specific COVID-19 training and essential supplies such as personal-sized hand sanitizers that they can carry at all times.


Of course, the situation continues to remain fluid and is ever-changing and we will adapt to keep up with the changing times. Through it all, we’re here for you and we’re here to serve the elderly who need us most. If we can be of assistance in any way, please reach out to us; we look forward to hearing from you.

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