Happy Family Day

February is no longer just the month for lovers— it is now the month for families! Have you created any family traditions yet for this day off work and school? 

Family Day is an opportunity to spend time with the people who mean the most to you.

Even though this year Family Day will be particularly difficult, there are ways you can still celebrate online


young black family cooking in the kitchenOne of the wonderful things about Family Day is that it has not been commercialized—the stores are not full of merchandise and the holiday is not associated with overspending, overeating, and overstressing! It is a holiday with no strings attached. Just a chance to pause and enjoy the people who matter most

Enjoy this holiday as a day to keep things simple and low-key. Pause and notice the beauty of a quiet winter day, watch for birds in the trees, photograph the dripping icicles, cook a homemade meal, bake a favourite recipe, share favourite memories, sip hot chocolate and watch a classic movie.  


Whatever you do, remember to say “I love you” and let your family know just how much you appreciate them. Family is certainly not just restricted to blood relatives either. Anyone who is close to you can be considered as family—friends, neighbours, acquaintances from church, social clubs, etc. If someone is meaningful to you, then consider them as family! 

From everyone at Warm Embrace Elder Care, we wish you a wonderful Family Day! 

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